Hadron level Monte Carlo generator for ep and pp scattering
applying Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton densities and
parton shower.
The Monte Carlo program CASCADE generates a full hadron event record
according to the HEP common standards.
CASCADE was originally intended for small x processes and
used only gluon chains in the initial state cascade.
With the development of the Parton Branching TMDs, which are valid over
a large range in x and Q2, new developments were possible in CASCADE3:
CASCADE3 (apart from the older features) makes use of LHE files (either from collinear NLO calculations like
MC@NLO or off-shell calculations from KaTie/Pegasus) and has a full flavor
initial state parton shower, which follows directly the TMD from the Parton
Branching method.
Different sets of TMDs are now accessed via TMDlib.
posted Sept 3, 2023
Version 3.3.3 of CASCADE3 (Sept 2023)
This release includes output of event record in HepMC2 and HepMC3 format.
Optional hadronization via Pythia8 (instead of Pythia6).
A Rivet interface is included (thanks to A. Verbytskyi).
(The versions 3.3.1 - 3.3.2 suffer from a bug overwriting paramters for the final state shower)
The new manual has been published in EPJC, please use
this reference to cite
A history of changes and updates is here. A installation guide is distributed in the download
Older versions can be found on here
The original (old) manual has been published in EPJC, please use
this reference to cite
To receive announcements of new releases for CASCADE,
send an email to
Hannes Jung
Credits and Blame
Many people have contributed to the functionality and stability of CASCADE, especially from the HERA
experiment H1 and ZEUS, where the program is extenively used.
A. Verbytskyi (MPI) helped in updating CASCADE for hepmc3 and did cmake installation option.
Contributions to the physics in CASCADE were provided by
S. Baranov (LPI),
J. Bartels (Uni Hamburg),
M. Deak (DESY),
G. Salam (IN2P3),
N. Zotov (MSU)